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Great back-to-school tips and strategies 

It’s that time again: Back to school! Students often have a difficult time getting back into their daily school routines. This is the perfect time to create back-to-school habits and strengthen routines to make your household less stressed. From creating a “Bus Stop” station for school belongings to organizing “homework play dates” to make homework more fun, here are some back-to-school tips to make your school year a success!

Back-to-School Habits

  • Set and practice your child’s school bedtime routine.
  • Plan a few family activities that require everyone to get up at the regular school time to help your child get in the habit of getting up early again.
  • Prepare lunch and perhaps set out breakfast the night before.
  • Limit caffeine and sugary snacks when it’s close to bedtime.
  • Reduce excessive use of technology (television, non-educational computer games, cell phone, etc.) in the evenings, and replace these activities with reading time, computer research or educational games.
  • Read (or listen) to your child as a bedtime ritual for at least 20 minutes each night.
  • Create a “Back-to-School Chore Chart,” so your child will know what habits he or she needs to continue now that school responsibilities are once again in the mix! See the examples below:

Morning Responsibilities:

  • Put on school clothes
  • Brush hair
  • Make the bed
  • Eat breakfast
  • Brush teeth
  • Place school items (homework, projects, etc.) in the backpack
  • Pack lunch and snack

After-school Responsibilities:

  • Place items in the “Mom and Dad” mailbox
  • Change clothes
  • Place laundry in hamper
  • Eat snack
  • Enjoy playtime break
  • Clean room
  • Set table
  • Complete homework
  • Eat dinner
  • Clear table
  • Shower, brush teeth, and floss
  • Set out clothes for next day
  • Prep book bag for next day and place at the door
  • Read for 20 minutes

Back-to-School “Homework Play Dates”

  • Organize study and homework “play dates”or “study dates” with your child’s friends.
  • Confirm who will be supervising.
  • Create a schedule of start and finish times.
  • Exchange contact information with the parents.
  • Try to select friends within walking distance or close driving distance.
  • Review the homework assignments, so you can better supervise completion.
  • Create games with flashcards for the children to use.
  • Provide tasty but healthy snacks.
  • Keep the homework date limited to only a few children, but rotate locations so all parents will have their “turns.”
  • Leave time for the homework date to turn into a “play date” after all homework is completed.
  • Consider inviting parents, too!
  • Share your child’s learning style with the supervising adults. Visit learn more about learning styles.
  • Describe your child’s study style and techniques. For example, does your child prefer studying with a lamp or a bright light? What about a soft chair or perhaps the floor? Research shows both good and bad effects of listening to music while studying, but don’t wait until the night before a test to see if this method works for your child. Visit to learn more about music and learning.

Back-to-School Organizational Tips

  • Create a wall calendar and corkboard area to place important homework assignment, class schedules, appointments, school dates to remember, etc.
  • Create a “Mom and Dad” mailbox in which your child can place papers each day.
  • Create color-coded folders for class lists, medical information, school directories, field-trip information, etc., for each child.
  • For less clutter, create boxes for storage of books, crayons, paper, etc.
  • Create index cards for dinner ideas to keep your weekly meal planner manageable. Be sure to include “Make-Your-Own-Sandwich” Night!
  • Confirm your emergency backup contact person and be ready to share this information with the school.
  • Create a daily checklist for you and your child to make sure you have what you need before leaving home (soccer supplies, tennis shoes for P.E., etc.).
  • Create a “Bus Stop” station for backpacks, umbrellas, jackets, rain boots, etc.
  • Create a “Lunch Station” for both refrigerated and dry snacks for easy access before and after school.
  • Create a “Homework Station” that aligns with your child’s learning style.
  • Decorate and fill a basket, bin or even an old briefcase with school supplies, so the “Homework Station” will be well organized.


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